Monday, July 10, 2006


Okay, so I’m late again, deal.

Sunday of Missions Camp: Sunday consisted of two main things: the electric fence and the all night vigil. We did our other Bible studies, and we ate and all that, but the main things were the fence and vigil. Getting over the electric fence (in 6 minutes flat, I might add) was totally NOT my team, it was GOD. We know that because we were all so physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted, that there was no way that we could have done that on our own. SO it was AWESOME to get to see God work through us for that. The other thing was the prayer vigil, and that was also cool. Much needed, intimate, one-on-one time with God. AMAZING. We finally got to bed around 5 in the morning, and then had to get up for youth camp. Hey, no one EVER said you got to sleep at camp!!


Heather said...

i am so glad you get to be with us this summer! i am sooo looking forward to it! praying for you!

Nicole said...

isn't that the truth??? u never get sleep at camp...miss ya tons!!!