Monday, March 20, 2006


Hello all!!

Umm, updates: this weekend was spent doing homework, and more homework. Today was classes and, you guessed it, more homework.

Trivia response: Florence Nightengale was in fact pretty much the first nurse. She cleaned up after doctors and changed the bandages of the wounded men; she went around with a lamp just to check to see if they were still breathing, and due to the fact that someone actually cared if they lived or died, the men improved a lot. She was active during the Crimean War (1853 - 56) and the Crimean War was the first war to be photographed.

The point of this post is actually to update you (those of you who don't live there) on the home front:
Dad started his chemo treatment today. Chemo today, chemo next Monday, a week off. Then that three week cycle is repeated four times.

Your continued prayers for him and the rest of my family are greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!!!


Trivia: What is the Suez Canal and why was it important?

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