Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesdays . . .

For most, it's Mondays. For me, it's Tuesdays.

Got back to school safely, got through two days of classes, a midterm and I'm about to start the MOUND of homework.

Duane, I do not ask trivia questions to get others to do my homework. I take the trivia questions off my notes from classes, therefore I already know the answers, thank you very much.

Karen and Jocelyn were mostly right: the third estate (98%) left the Estates General called by Louis XVI and walked down the street to a Tennis Court and declared themselves the National Assembly. Louis promised to give them one vote per delegate if they would come back to the Estates General. They went back but then rumors started flying that king was lying.

Indeed, google is a wonderful thing!!! So is Prof. Claspill, he is AWESOME. He takes what most people think is a boring subject and makes it SO interesting!!!

Okay, I'm off to do homework now, but first:

Trivia question: what were the rumors that started to fly after the third estate returned to the Estates General and what did they do about it?

Love you all!!!

Cpt Skippy


Nicole said...

Tasha,guess what day it is? ya that's right it's saturday and we haven't heard from you since tuesday...sad day. So i'min the muddle of raising monet 2 go 2 atf 'cause were poor and my parents can't afford 2 send me so...somehow i get 2 come up with around $90 bucks. anywho..email me!
luv ya lots!

Nicole said...

u can tell i'm tired 'cause i can't even spelll...stupid allergy meds!