Tuesday, December 27, 2005

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!

Because he is AWESOME!!!!

Okay, let's start with the small stuff: our dryer's broken, and has been for two weeks, so we've been washing clothes and then taking them to the laundry mat. Then today my nephew-in-law (I know, it sounds weird) walked in and started asking questions about why and when and how and all that stuff that mechanically minded people care about. Then he started pulling plugs and low and behold: the dryer works!!!!!!!!!!! The plug that it was plugged into was broken . . . is broken . . . doesn't work . . . whatever. So now, we get to dry clothes here!!! AND, our kitchen facet has been broken, and Mike (my nephew-in-law) is coming down tomorrow to fix that too!!!!

Now for something of medium size: I'm not in San Francisco!!!!! (Read following to understand why.)

Okay, something a little bigger (much bigger really): My dad has regained his senses. He is (mentally) back to his old self, complete with quick-witted remarks and a joy in picking on me. Mom decided that since Dad was no longer A.W.O.L, she didn't need me to go with her to San Fran, and I could get much more done here; so I stayed here and got LOADS of stuff done today, which always makes me feel better!!!!!

Dad say his heart doctor today, and the shingles and his heart are under control, what we're focusing on now is the spot on his lung. The doctors are running more tests tomorrow and then in a week or ten days Mom and Dad are going back to San Fran to see the oncologist about the cancer spot on Dad's lung. It's nothing to sneeze at, but it's nothing to freak out about either.

I'm going to go, I'm on kid patrol. I can't thank you all for your prayers, I know that they made the difference. I love you all!!! Happy New Year!!!!



Nicole said...

That's awsomeness!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Chris said...

praise God indeed1
