Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Updates of the general kind part two...

K. Well. Lets see. I start my job in the Start-Kilgour Memorial Library today in about 11 minutes. I got out of class and came straight over here because class was supposed to get out at 12:50 and I had to be here at 1. Only to get here and realize that it was only 12:30. So I decided to come check my email, browse through some blogs, and post.

So, yeah. I start my job in 10 min. And I'm nervous, because I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing. I'm excited, money is always a good thing when the bill on my Simpson account is more money than I've ever had (not counting financial aid). AND, I have another job, only it's seasonal. I'm going to stat for the Basketball Teams. I don't know for sure which ones, or when. But I signed all the paperwork and got all the stuff done, so come season, I'll be back doing what I love!!!

Quick side note, I know I mentioned this earlier, but when and if you leave a comment, please sign it. I just want to know who you are, so I can either harass you about what you said, thank you, or defend myself. And if you have a name that lots of other people have, give me a last name or some sign as to who you are please. Thanks!!!

In other news. I am currently enrolled in 17 units. With 10 classes. Yep, that's right, 10. 6, count them six, 1 credit courses. 1 two credit course. And three 3 credit courses. That's 17 units. PLUS I'm the student rep for my floor (IRWIN 2nd FLOOR ROCKS!!!!!!) and I'm running for Rep of my Freshmen class. And I'm still practicing with the volleyball team. And I'm working for Athletics and the Library. And I will shortly be part of the Shasta College Band (that's one of those units), and I'm in private lessons for my clarinet.

And I still need sleep and food, not to mention actually going to those 10 classes and doing the homework for those 10 classes. It's going to be a BUSY semester!!!!!

So, if you have the time, please pray for me for patience, diligence, and rest. And if any of you have a prayer request, simply leave a comment (include your NAME, or don't, I mean, you don't have to, but at least leave a call sign or something equivalent so that I can have something to call you) and I will pray for you. Everyone who asks me to pray for them, will be prayed for every day, I guarantee it.

Love always,


P.S. This is a VERY long post!! And don't forget to check out the pictures of my great neice!!!!


Lesa said...

Tasha--you are going to be SOOO busy!! But I know that you can do it. YAY for working in the library! That was/is the most coveted job on APU's campus, and God allowed me to have one of those positions for all four years! Great study job!
Love ya girl!

Nicole said...

Holy crap Tasha! U are way busy! U lost me after the first couple of paragraphs! Not reall but that's ok! :)
I'm prayin'!