Saturday, September 03, 2005


It's okay, though. I have okay roommates. Actually they're better than okay. Well, at least right now they're better than okay. In a few weeks I might not think so, but at the moment, they're all right. Sheng, Jennifer, and Melissa. Irwin 208. That's us!!!!!

I just went to see the movie Coach Carter at a local movie theater with a WHOLE bunch of freshmen. It was one of those "MANDATORY" orientation activities that aren't really mandatory. It was actually better than I thought it would be. Jennifer and I went with the intention of sitting in the back and making fun of it. But then we were both really tired so we didn't. Her and I played a game this afternoon called Kick Ball Slip-n-Slide. Yep, you kick a big bouncy ball, run the bases, and, you guessed it, slide into home via the tarp sprayed with dish soap and water. (Anyone remember the slip-n-slide at Mount Hope that left that HUGE mark in the grass on the hill?)

Anyway. Tomorrow is chapel and good stuff like that. We're going to the Turtle Bay Muesem, I'm actually looking forward to it, and I don't have to pay, which is exciting. And then Monday we meet with our Advisors, and plan our four years at Simpson out a little bit. I'm excited about that, getting to meet my Advisor and see if my schedule is TOTALLY wrong, which it probably is.

Anyway, I'm leaving now. Nothing to do and lots of time to do it in.



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