Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I know for some this word brings nothing but horror. For me - it brings thoughts of joy and beauty....and (this morning) wind. I got up at 6:30 this morning and looked out my window. What I saw caused me to immediately get up and get dressed, grab my camera and my id card (Don't want to get locked out at 6:30 in the morning!!!) and run outside. I spent the next 15 minutes standing by the bench thingy (the technical term in terminus apparently) taking pictures. I watched the pink clouds fade to first a soft and then a brighter yellow as the sun got higher. I couldn't actually stay to watch the full sunrise, not only because I had to get ready but because it was REALLY windy and I was FREEZING.
Sunrises, sunsets, mountains, clouds, trees...... God is such a PHENOMENAL artist. And not only does he paint it, but he shares it with us: more so than any earthly artist could, because we live and breathe God's art, we can touch it and taste it....we are God's art.

I love the sunrise. I love being up that early, I love watching it, and I love knowing that I just watched one of God's little miracles.

This is a picture of the sky this morning:

And this is a picture of the sunrise the day after graduation. I won't go into detail - because the two who were there with me know what it means.

I hope that everyone chooses to see the sun rise at one point in your life.



Nicole said...

Tasha those pics r so pretty! Wow! I have watched the sun set though. I got a really cool pic of that.

Chris said...

So, I have thuis really cool sunset to tell you about but you'll have to look at my blog or myspace tomorrow. Ooo