Ok, I know it's been forever - I really will TRY to post more often. But that's all you're getting: I'll try.
As stated in the previous post, I went home two weekends ago!!! Friday was the game, and Saturday I packed up all of the stuff that was left in my room. If you know me, or have ever been in my room - you know that I like stuff, colorful stuff EVERYWHERE. On the walls and the furniture and the floor. And when I was all done, it looked like someone had just moved in. It was really sad, and I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving and see what Karen has done with it!! (Karen, consider this a hint to DO something fun in there! I left it boring, and we both know that neither or us are boring people!) Now all my stuff is in boxes and tubs and bags piled in the middle of my parents floor.
Sunday I went to church and that was really fun because I hadn't been to Gridley in a month and a half!!! After church, I rushed home, Becc got there, we frantically loaded the car, and raced back up here. And I mean raced. Really really raced because Becc had to be back for practice. Sunday evening I went out with Joce, and then it was Monday and that means back to class.
Last week was the last week of volleyball.....still not sure how I feel about that. I'm glad that now I will at least have time to sleep, but it's a little sad - that could have been my last week ever. But then it doesn't seem like I've done much of 'volleyball' lately. I mean yeah, I went to practices, (everyone that I didn't have to work through), but I didn't get to go full on hardcore getting icky and sweaty and coming up with bruises and scrapes that turn into scars which make great war stories!! I miss that, I miss being so sweaty after practice that....I won't gross you out with the details, but you get the point.
Other than that....Wednesday was Thanksgiving Dinner in the cafe, and then my prayer group went to Starbucks and carved soap. Friday Krystal and I went to a concert for concert credit (a requirement for all music majors and minors). After the concert there was a moving showing in the cafe, so I went to that with all my roomies and the girls across the hall. Saturday I worked for seven hours, which was AWESOME, at least it will be awesome when I get paid. Saturday night I slept for 10 hours. That's right, 10. That hasn't happened since....................maybe sometime this summer, but I wouldn't count on that. Sunday I went out to lunch with Joce, Rachel and Rebecca. In the afternoon there was a Handbells, Percussion and Jazz Band concert, and I went to that (not only for concert credit but) to see Becc play in the Handbells choir!!! And then I started in on the homework. I feel like I didn't get much done, and I was REALLY tired, because I'm not used to sleeping that much!!! Last night was horrible, I tossed and turned all night, woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. And still had to get up early enough to practice my clarinet before an 8:30 class!!!
Since that class, I have been to four others, and practiced my clarinet for almost two hours. Now I'm sitting in my room updating you. Avoiding my homework, and starting to worry about all that I have to do........
On the flip side, I was reading Ezra, and it is SO awesome to read the Bible, and have stuff correlate with what I learned in World Civ!!!! King Cyrus of Persia!!! I know who he is and I know what he did!!! It's SOOO awesome!!!!!
What else cool happened this week? Hmmmmm..... this week I am going to take and probably fail the English Competency Exam again (Don't panic, I can take it as many times as I need to, and it only has to be completed before graduation.) And then on Wednesday I have a World Civ Exam and my private lessons for clarinet. Thursday looks to be pretty empty, and Friday I have classes and then work and then I'm going down to Magalia for a Missions weekend. I'm WAY stoked about that because I haven't seen anyone in FOREVER!!! And then I come back and then I only have two days of class and then I get to go home for FIVE days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I simply cannot tell you how exciting that is!!!!!! Five days, five blessed, peaceful, food filled (and I mean GOOD food) relaxing and yet totally crazy busy insane days!!! With my parents, and my sisters, and my nieces and great nieces and nephew in law (that sounds odd....but it's true) and my girls from Biggs and an my grandparents and my cats and......I just can't wait.
And now I think that I have avoided my studies long enough. Like I said, I'll try to post more often, but ya gotta leave comments on what you want to know, or I'm going to start writing pages and pages on how bad the food is. Or maybe I'll copy and paste an English essay in, how would you like that?
Love always,