Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Looking back through the past months and years of this blog I have noticed that I often start with something along the lines of 'Update' or 'Catch Up' or, when I can't or don't want to spend the time and brain power to write what is going on in my own life I post something that I received in an email or read online or something.
In 2009, I posted 18 times. That's one and a half posts a month. Pretty pathetic.
In 2008 I posted 24 times. That's twice a month!!! A portion of that was copied stuff but for the most part it was actually thoughts and what made me think them, or more specifically, the things that made me think.
2007 showed less posts, but more personal stuff.
2006 was really the year for this blog. Most of it was walking through day by day stuff. Reading all that now its no wonder no one ever read it and its a wonder I even posted it; although it is interesting for me to go back and read what was going on in my life then. 2006 was also the year Daddy got so sick and died so there's lots of that stuff in there too.
I started this blog in 2005, right before I moved to Simpson. So in reading through all that I find that I talked a lot about what I did each day and didn't really hear a lot back from folk. Interesting...

I'm not really sure why I started this retrospective, but it is now done. I've said a zillion times 'I'll post more I really will!' I may, I may not. It all depends what happens that worth posting about.

As my RA my freshmen year ALWAYS said: TTFN
Colonel Skippy

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